Birgit Bjerre (1970) lives and works in Aarhus. She has studied at the Danish Art Academy Aarhus. She has taken part in several curated exhibitions, and has had six solo exhibitions to this day. Furthermore, she is head of the the visual art counsil In Aarhus and part of the artist driven collaboration and workspace KH7 Aarhus harbour. Birgit Bjerre works with writing, painting, drawing and installations. In all her work she addresses human nature and a kind of basic alphabet we need to understand.

She switches between great precision and natures gravity or uncontrolled patterns, allowing for every action with the materials to be visible. The colour and the reality of the “matter” has its own existence, and does not necessarily need any explanation. She works with a kind of fatalism in the way she handles coincidence and control. The artwork is both sensitive and raw, and she challenges both her own and the viewers’ need for motif or narrative in the paintings, installations or drawings. She is represented at Charlotte Fogh Gallery Aarhus, Pi Gallery Copenhagen, and VÆG gallery Aalborg.
“Art can make me feel less alone. When I read books, experience art, hear a voice, I feel less alone. In that sense art is a great force, and it nourish great movements of people and make us come together as humans. It can give us political awareness and consciousness about what and who we are. Art does not have to be a tool with a certain goal or one correct reading, it can have no logic whatsoever, but sharing it can make us feel less alone.”
“When I work truly focused I benefit from a greater source of inspiration which I do not quite understand. It is like when you meet a fox in the woods and you have eye contact, for a short moment everything stops and you are careful not to spoil the moment.“
CV Birgit Bjerre
Medlem af BKF, forperson for Billedkunstrådet i Aarhus 2022-2026
Selected solo exhibitions
Investigating loneliness KH7 Artspace november 2022
Kære Fjende, Lieber Feind Hanstholm Bunkermuseum, Museum Thy feat Alex Mørch, 2022-2023
Silent Alphabet Galleri Pi Cph 2021
Common Earthbound Things Galleri Pi Cph.
Jeg bor godt her Performance i Rum 46 2018, curated by Claus Ejner
The most beautiful things I have never seen Galleri Pi Cph 2017
Falling into Places Galleri Væg Aalborg 2016
The wind doesn’t care, but I do Galleri Pi Cph 2015
Et bedre Sted Galleri VÆG 2014
Dystopia – dit smukke, dumme menneske Galleri Pi 2012
Film: Den ene hånd ved hvad den anden hånd gør 2012.
Selected group exhibitions
Ekko Lokale Gallery Cph. 2022.
Beyond jubilæumsudstilling, Charlotte Fogh Gallery 2021,
Strange Times, Covid19 udstilling inviteret af strangetime.art in collaboration with the National Center
Ukrainian House
Burnt Umbrella and other stories Charlotte Fogh Gallery 2020
Art Herning Galleri Pi 2020
Vinterudstillling Galleri Pi 2019
Groupexibit Galleri Væg Aalborg 2019
Spacial projections KH7Artspace 2019
We paint Galleri VÆG Ålborg 2019
Art By numbers KH7Artspace 2018, NORTH messe Aalborg v. galleri VÆG
Sort Spejl SAK (Svendborg kunstbygning) inviteret af kunstnergruppen Kontekst
Papir, papir, papir Profilen 2016, curated by Lisbeth Eugene
Jeg står godt lige her Performance Rum 46 2014
HIGHLIGHTS Galleri Charlotte Fogh Contemporary 2008.
Charlotte Fogh Gallery
Artikel fra Kunsten Nu, 2022
DR Supertanker om Lieber Feind, Kære Fjende, september 2022
TV2, indslag om Lieber Feind, Kære Fjende Hanstholm, 2022
TV2 indslag om udstillings aktualitet, maj 2022
Artikel Jyllandsposten, 2022
Film: Den ene hånd ved godt hvad den anden hånd gør, 2012
Film: Proces med tuschværk